Did you know that in various parts of the World like China, Korea and even the USA, they still consume dog meat, yes, they eat pets like Samoyeds and this is horrible and heartbreaking. These precious dogs are physically defenseless without our help. Not only are they murdered, they are brutally tortured, boiled and skinned alive because many cultures believe it “tenderizes” the meat.
Looking away or pretending it doesn't happen is no longer acceptable, we must be the change we want to see in this world. Ynot Save A Sam Rescue works directly with legitimate and respectable organizations currently in So. Korea and China to safely relocate dogs to the USA.

Y-Not Save a Sam Rescue is an all-volunteer, 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 2012 to rescue the Samoyed breed in need, whether they are in shelters, found on the streets or an owner surrender. We are open to saving dogs in all geographic areas (both in the United States and abroad), of all ages, and in all health conditions, as funding allows. Y-Not Save a Sam Rescue operates independently and must generate our own donations to fund operational costs including veterinary care, travel expenses, boarding, and training.
We try to help dogs that no one else will, and that can be a heavy burden on our finances. Y-Not Save a Sam operates independently and must generate our own donations to fund operational costs including veterinary care, travel expenses, boarding, and training. We do what we can, and always wish we could do more.
From time to time, the rescue groups that we work with will have other breeds in need of loving homes. Even though we are a breed-specific rescue, we try to help them out when we can. (It's just the right thing to do.) To stay true to our mission, those dogs will always have dedicated fund-raisers and are not directly funded by our Rescue. (We'll still post them here, though, because everyone loves to see a good news story!)
We pride ourselves in being honest and responsible when importing dogs from foreign counties. We follow all guidelines and requirements provided by the USDA as follows:
- Health Certificate:
- Must be in English
- Must specify the name and address of the person intending to import the dog
- Must identify the dog on the basis of breed, sex, age, color markings, and other identifying information
- Must state that the dog is at least 6 months of age
- Must state that the dog was vaccinated, not more than 12 months before the date of arrival at the U.S. port for distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and Parainfluenza virus (DHLPP) at a frequency that provides continuous protection of the dog from those diseases and is in accordance with currently accepted practices as cited in veterinary medicine reference guides.
- Must state dog is in good health
- Must contain the veterinarian’s signature and license number
- Rabies Vaccination Certificate
- Must be issued in English
- Must specify the name and address of the person intending to import the dog
- Must identify the dog on the basis of breed, sex, age, color markings, and other identifying information
- Must indicate the dog was 3 months of age or older at time of vaccination
- Must specify vaccination date of at least 30 days prior to import with vaccine expiration date after arrival. If not vaccine expiration specified, then the date of vaccination shall be no more than 12 months before date of arrival
- Must contain the veterinarian’s signature and license number